Bergamot Organic Essential Oil
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Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia
Botanical Family: Rutaceae
Main Constituents:
Limonene: 43.24%
Linalyl acetate: 31.9%
Bergapten: 0.12%
Plant Part: Fruit Peel
Origin: Italy
Cultivation Method: USDA Certified Organic
Processing Method: Cold Pressed
Approximate Shelf Life: 2 - 3 years
Aromatic Scent: A medium strength middle note. Bright, Fresh, Fruity, Spicy, Sweet and Warm.
Blends Well With: Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Mandarin, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli, Black Pepper, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver, and Ylang-ylang.
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Calming, Carminative, Cicatrisant, CNS Tonic, Deodorant, Digestive stimulant, Energizing, Febrifuge, Sedative, Stomachic, Tonic, Vermifuge, Vulnerary
See our General Safety Guidelines for recommended usage.
This oil is safe for children.
Add a maximum of 1 drop (0.05 mL) to 13 mL of carrier oil (or 0.4%) for topical applications.
Can be used topically to:
- Aid against muscle spasms
- Reduce inflammation
- Sooth achy muscles
- Fight fatigue
- Soothe headache
- Prevent or fight infection
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Fight symptoms of insomnia
- Aid against depression
- Fight free radicals
- Cleanse liver
- Aid digestion
- Reduce symptoms of PMS
- Fight respiratory infection
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower cholesterol
- Soothe psoriasis
- Treat eczema
- Nourish skin
- Fight acne
Can be diffused or inhaled to:
- Fight fatigue
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Stimulate immune system
- Fight respiratory infection
- Soothe headache
- Purify the air
Can be used around the house to:
- Disinfect surfaces/filters – try adding drops or spray to furnace/air/vacuum filters! *avoid open flame
- Freshen Laundry
- Remove sticky residue (stickers, glue)
Bergamot supports the 4th chakra.
Tisserand & Young have shown that Bergamot essential oil is phototoxic and my be photocarcinogenic. This oil should not be used topically above concentrations of 0.4% on areas of skin that will be exposed to sunlight in the next 12 hours. This oil is harmful when oxidized (including risk of sensitization), non-irritating and may be safe during pregnancy. [1]
Avoid old or oxidized Bergamot oil. Store in refrigerator to extend shelf life.
We do not recommend topical use in concentrations above 0.4%
This oil is safe for children.
This oil has GRAS status. (Generally regarded as safe)
- Tisserand & Young Essential Oil Safety, 2ndEdition Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. Edinburg 2014